
梅花易数中六爻除尽 梅花易数知识框架

梅花易数中六爻除尽 梅花易数知识框架





一、起源与演变 《梅花易书》是宋代彝族学者邵勇所著。相传邵勇使用时,每一个卦都要打,屡试不爽;根据与生俱来的八卦数学,即感一、对二、礼三、真四、寻五、看六、七、昆八,随时随地都可以开始八卦,取八卦。有很多方法。梅花意书可以在自然界或人类社会中产生声音、方位、时间、运动、地理、时间、文字、颜色、动植物等,作为预测其发展趋势的一种方法。这样,我们就可以洞悉它的机会,达到知己知彼的效果。梅花仪术的起源据说是马仪、陈希仪等人传下来的秘法,后来成为北宋邵康杰先生常用的变心法。订阅易经世界。这个号码被邵先生传下来后,也让易学在会计领域更有价值。绍康节后更名为梅花仪术。相传有一天,邵康杰先生进入梅园赏花,恰巧看到两只麻雀在树枝上争吵,然后看到两只麻雀突然倒在地上。他的《心经》已经很轻松的说了出来,他认为自己不动也不占,也不会因为事而占。现在看到两只鸟争着树枝,无缘无故倒在地上,真是奇怪!占了是因为感觉不对劲,订阅号:人间周易说:明天,有邻家姑娘登顶破梅花。事后才成真。后来的学者认为,这个卦案很特殊,可以爆出一些与卦题无关的东西,这是其他占位方式无法企及的。 《梅花易书》根植于《易经》,“易”是什么?一是变化梅花易数中六爻除尽,一种混沌现象,一个小小的变化就能影响事物的发展(蝴蝶效应);世间万物都是善变的,时时刻刻都在变化,人的事也是如此。二是朴素,一阴一阳,包罗万法;有天就有地,有男就有女,有上就有下,有前就有后。第三个不容易。世间万物虽错综复杂,但有一种东西是永远不变的,那就是规律;物极必反,这是规律。万物的发展有定数和变数,定数有规律可循,而变数则无规律可循;定数包含变数,变数包含定数,无论是定数还是变数,大局不变。从古到今,大多数修行者没有区分定数和变数,混淆了概念。 “定数”(规律)可以根据事物的规律性来预测其发展轨迹,而“变数”(不规则)则由于变化无常,变数因素太多,无法准确预测。

虽然一切都是复杂多变的梅花易数中六爻除尽 梅花易数知识框架,但也有永恒的规律。由于有规律性的方面,可以根据这些事物的一些已知因素结合简单的推理,推算出发展轨迹和趋势。

二、基础知识 先天卦和梅花用先天数字很容易上手。干一,对二,离三,真四,荀五,侃六,创七,坤八。八卦的基本意思是干:为天。五种元素是金。代表天空,也代表金属或具有金属属性的东西。对:对于泽来说,五行属性是金。代表沼泽、水基物体,也代表金属或具有金属特性的东西。李:是火,五行是火。代表火,或有火的东西。震:是雷,五行是木。订阅易经世界。代表雷声,也代表树木,或者有木质感的东西,大木。巽他:是风,五行是木。代表风,也有草、藤或有木质、小木的东西。菅直人:是水,五行是水。代表水,或含水或流体的东西。创:是山,五行是土。代表山,也代表土。坤:就是土,五行就是土。它代表大地,大地,也代表着土的东西。五行生水,水生木,木生火,火生土,土生金。金克木,木克土,土克水,水克火,火克金。第八宫的五种元素

干,对津;昆,根图;甄寻木;看水;离火卦气春盛,荤木盛春;冬日繁华;坤、根盛于陈、徐、周、魏越。卦气谢春坤、根;夏干,兑;秋贞,荀;仁贵北水。十二地支和五行是十二生肖,水鼠;丑土牛;阴木虎;毛木兔;陈地龙;泗火蛇;吴火马;魏地山羊;沉金猴;有金鸡;许土狗;海水猪。八卦有三连行,六段坤;摇匀玉,盖上碗;留中间空,填满山脊;占法改世的秘笈贫,造化尚未显露;祸福有神,以后不轻言教。怎么玩 一个东西一直是一个身体,一个身体有一个宇宙。明知万事皆为我准备,我愿将三才分开。天地分为一中,人的心中有一个打算。神仙也有两句俗语,真话只在人间。


三、卦法一、年月日时:农历年月日之和除以八,余数为卦数找到上卦;除以年、月、日之和。取八,取余数为卦数,求下一个卦,再用年、月、日、时之和除以六,取余数为动线。例:卦开始于农历人申年四月十一日:申年九数,四时六数。上卦为:(年+月+日)÷8,取余数。即:(9+4+11)÷8,此处无余数。下卦为:(年+月+日+时)÷8,取余数。即:(9+ 4+11+6)÷8,余数为7为卦,行数为:(年+月+日+时)÷6,取余数即:(9+4 +11+6) 除以 6。这里没有余数。
















九、被人和人占据,例子不一样。或听声起卦,或观其字,或取身,或取物梅花易数中六爻除尽 梅花易数知识框架,或因衣色,触其外物,或按年、月、日、时,或通过写作。听他的话音,比如还是一句话,也就是按字数。两句中,前句为上卦,后句为下卦。如果你有很多单词,使用你听到的第一句话或你听到的最后一句话,不要使用其余的。













三、先天卦和后天卦的方法不同。用先天卦的方法来确定卦的成全时期,往往是由卦气来决定的。如果是干卦,因为干属金,则应将到期日定为庚日、辛日或五行中属金的日子(如申日、幽日) )。或者干的预产期应该定在旭日和亥日,因为干在八卦方向的西北,而旭和海也在西北。或者赎回的到期日应设置为单一日的单一时间。又如真、巽的预产期应设在甲日、乙日、五行属木的日子(如阴日、茂日)。或者真卦的响应期设置为毛利毛氏,巽卦的响应期设置为辰日辰时,以此类推。


四、一般分析思路分析卦名+卦象直读+物理利用五元生成卦+互卦分析+主卦和变卦分析判断=准确预测结论。一:卦名分析:六十四卦各有卦名。详见《周易》名、卦、行全文。 2:直读卦:梅花预测其实就是八卦类图像的预测分析。从任何六角星都有相似之处。我们的目的是分析卦所指事物的变化。如测“地火明仪”所引起的疾病:坤为胃,离为火,发炎。可破为:胃炎,有内火。 (比如得了“火地劲”?可以总结为“胃火上来,食道不适。胃炎。”因为火上来了,所以食道也有不适)。可见,直读卦也需要具体分析内卦和外卦。 3:生产克的五个要素的物理用途:李子预测侧重于生产克的物理用途的争论。基本上就是“活的身体,比和谐。排泄身体对身体不好”。如前面提到的。 4:互卦解析:互卦不是单独使用的,只是事物变化的内因和隐情。



黄道十二宫用于解释所有天体星座。立多以晴为主,坎多以雨为主,鲲阴阴暗,干晴明,地震多则春夏有雷,巽他多则风大在四个季节。 夏占里多无垠,天旱炙热。冬天,堪萨斯多而无隔,雨雪飘飘。谁把所有的卦都看透了,就叫做互变卦。人员占人员的比例,用的比较详细。身卦为主,卦为客。用克身是不宜的,用克身是吉祥的。用身有提高的乐趣,用身有失落的风险。以身比和,计为吉祥。更细看互卦,变卦,断善恶;人员的职业是用总章来判断好坏。有生体卦,看前章八卦中生体卦的吉祥;无命克,别破原卦。屋占屋,主体为身,屋为屋。身体克制了,房子就更吉祥,身体克制了,房子就更惨了。身体使用,更多消散,或防盗稳定性。若有生命体卦,则由前章人事所定。屋占屋,主体为身,屋用。身克制用,则宅之吉祥,克制身,则宅之恶。用身时,主资财运下降;用身时,门户兴旺。身体使用比例自然稳定。婚姻以身体为主,身体为婚姻所用。如果身体克制,可以做到,但为时已晚;如果身体受到约束,它就无法完成,并且是有害的。身用比,婚嫁大吉。占婚,身为业之宫,用之为婚之宫。体卦旺,本家门胜;卦运旺,对方家财运旺。肉体相合,则成姻缘,或肉体相比较,相得益彰,毫无疑问是绝配。生产占生产,身体是母亲,使用是生活。身体素质应该用于繁荣,而不是用于衰落。宜同居,但勿互相克制。孩子约束身体不好;母亲约束身体不好。如果身体受到束缚,卦的运用下降,孩子将难以完成;如果身体受到束缚,身体六芒星下降,母亲将难以保护。身体的使用对母亲有利;身体的使用对孩子是有益的。体用比例和谐,生育顺利。如果要区分男女。阴阳卦和行相是相生的,所以查左右人的奇偶性来证明。如果要确定日期和日期,可以使用卦来确定。所谓卦数,是指卦有什么用,其次是八卦的先后顺序。饮食詹范詹饮食,以身为主,以用为食。使用身体时,饮食要丰富;当身体被使用时,饮食很难获得。如果身体受到约束,饮食就会受到阻碍;如果身体受到约束,饮食就会自由。身体平衡,饮食充足。又,卦中有棱,则有酒,有对位,则有食。如果没有绊脚石,没有交流,那就什么都没有。兑,侃生,醉醺醺的酒肉。如果你想知道吃什么,用你的饮食来推动它。如果你想知道谁在桌子上,用互卦来推他们。吃喝东西的人,属于前八卦中的万事万物的范畴。寻求、占有、寻求、专注于身体,并将其用于你所寻求的事物。身体上的约束是可以实现的,但为时已晚。如果你使用克制,你就不会寻求成功,而寻求将是有害的。使用有机体。不要制定计划;用身体去生活,多做计划,少做事。身体使用比较并寻求赞美。


坤,跟多,别动。荀应该乘船,李应该走陆路。坎阻失,与师父争执。行人占行人,以身体为主体,以行人为主体。如果身体受到约束,行人就会迟到;如果身体受到束缚,行人将不会返回。用身体时,行人不回头;当身体被使用时梅花易数中六爻除尽,行人返回。身体和使用比较,退货期不会太长。并用卦看外面行人的情况。每次你出生,你都会在外面快乐;每次你衰落,你都会在外面遭受灾难。震颤更加躁动,障碍重重。有险有难,有主之争。观众占观众,主体就是身体,看到的人用。当身体被束缚时,可以看到;当身体被束缚时,它是看不见的。身用,难见,见则无用;身体的使用是可见的,并且通过看到它而获得。我们很高兴见到你。失物招领 占领失物招领处,以身体为主体,作为失物招领处使用。如果身体受到约束,可以发现晚;如果尸体被束缚,就找不到了。用身体,东西难看;使用身体时,东西很容易找到。身比用,物不失。病占一切病,以身为病人,以病为病。身卦要盛而不衰,身要生而不见。它应该用于身体,而不是身体。如果用身体,病容易治好;如果用身体的话,这个病很难治愈。如果身体被克制,药不应该快乐;如果身体受到约束,药物就不起作用。若身遇克,乘兴而上,则如庶人。经验会使情况变得更糟,并且永远无法生存。欲知恶,有救度,有生命体卦存在。用身体的人会拖延,会好起来;使用身体的人会立即痊愈。体与用更和谐,病更易痊愈。如果考虑到和平的日子,主会决定。如果详细说明危险期,就会确定克制身体的卦。论药属,应看生命体卦。比如对于离卦的活体,适合吃热药;看卦的活体,宜服用感冒药,如根温补虚;干感冒药也适用。官司占官司,以身为主,作为对说话者和官司的回应。

身卦要旺,用卦要弱。身体应该使用生的,而不是生的。适合身体,不适合身体。所以,用身体来控制使用的人,已经战胜了人;用肉身来控制肉身的人,已经赢得了人心。使用身体不只是不合理,或者是因为失去了官员;身体的使用不仅是合理的,还是从诉讼中获利的。用身比用身,官司最吉祥。不仅有支持的力量,还有主的公义。该墓主要用于尸体,用作坟墓。如果身体受到约束,葬礼将是吉祥的;如果身体受到束缚,葬礼将是邪恶的。 If the body is used, the will be back; if the body is used, the will , and there will be for the heirs. The body is with the , which is . Day be , in . The above is the of using the body, with with , to show the rules of later . , there are so many that it is more than ! , these are the of major , and those who them can be by .

五、 Mei Zhan (year, month, day, hour, and hour) On 17, 2016, when Shen Shi, Mr. Kang Jie plum, and saw two birds for to fall to the .师曰:“我不动时不占,因事不占,怪二鸟争枝落地。”三十四数,除以四、八、三十二,余数二,属于兑,即上卦。加申时,九计,共四十三计,五八除以四十,余数为三计,即礼,即下卦。 上下也有四十三个数字,除以六六七四十二,剩下的就是动线,就是泽火皮。 The of Yao salty, and they met with each other. said: " this . night, there will be a woman . The does not know it and her away. The woman falls to the and hurts her stock. When there is a fire, the of the body will . Dui is a young girl, she knows that the woman is , and they hit each other with the , and when the dry gold is for gold, the will be , and the is a stock, so there are The to the . , it the earth, and the gold was for life. that the woman was , it was not . On the 16th day of the 16th day of the third month of the year of Peony , the and the guest went to the Sima Gong's house to see the peony. The were in full bloom, and the guest said, "The are like this, how many are there? "The said: "There are no . And it can be for by . " it one by one. Take six of the year, three of three , and of days. The total is -five . three, eight and -four , and the one as dry, which is the upper . , a total of -nine , by three, eight, and -four , the five are the Xun , which are made into the next , which are by the wind of the sky. Then, the total of -nine is by six, and four, six, and -four are . , get the five lines of , the , and see each other again and again.

the guest said: "It's , this be and by at noon . "The were and did not it. At noon the next day, there was a noble the peony, two , and the group the , and the were . heavy , there are many that the body. There is no in the , and the solid peony will be . The so- horse is also a horse. At noon, it is a sign of , so it is also known. (It is a case of the sound) the , the it. If there is a door knock, the first knock stops, and then five , and the cloud . The not to say , and asked his son to take what he . Take the sound of Gan as the upper , the five tones of Xun as the lower , and take the of 1 Gan and 5 Xun as a total of six , and add the hour to get a total of . by six, 2612, get the wind of the sky姤. The line to the Sun , and they see each other as heavy. In the , the three stems of gold and the of the wood are the of gold and wood, and the dry gold is short, and the long wood is from an axe. Zi said : "The of gold and short wood are tools, and hoes are . "The said, "No. Will axe also. that, if he an axe, his son asked why, and the said, "The must be . To push it with , an axe can also be used, and a hoe can also be used; to push it with , can you use a hoe in the ? Must axe. The cover axe is cut into the ear for wood. The of the must also be , as it is for . the is not . Those who learn will be !" How about today's (in the case of sound ? A guest asked: "How is today's ?" One by one, these six are for. The three of "today's " are the upper . "Today" The sound of "sun" is one count; the sound of "Sun" is by four; the sound of "" is three times, a total of eight . "Quiet" goes to three ; "Ru" flat sound, one count; "He" flat sound, one count, a total of five , get Xun, which is the next . , 2612, the is , which is the wind of the earth. At the , the moved, to the Thai , and saw and with each other. They each other and said: "Today there are who each other, there are not many , and the wine is not drunk. It like ." At the end of the day, sure . Duan said: , there is the of , shock, , and there is a the east and the west. each other. If there are not many , the Kun soil is , and there is no . The wine is not drunk, and there is no ridge in the . If the taste is only and , Kun is the ear of . There are not many, and the food is not . Mr. Xilin ’s (in the case of and ) sees the of Xilin , and the word “Lin” has no two ticks. of it, the seven of are used as Gen, and the upper is made; Take Lin Bahua as Kun, and make the next . The above seven and the next eight total 15 . After 2612, the is three, which is the . Duan said: The is where pure yang . Today, the has a heavy yin line, and there is a sign of a group of yin yang. If you go into , there be a of yin in the . If you ask for it, you call it a monk. Said: "Why don't you add two ticks of the word 'Lin', then there will be no for Yin ." The monk added two ticks of the word 'Lin', and the fruit is fine. Also, of pure yang live in The of pure yin is not . It also has the of yin and yang, so there is a for yin . If two ticks of the word "Lin" are added, there will be ten , for eight to get two for the dui . For the loss of and lakes.

The fifth line , the is the , the sees Kun and Zhen, and those who lose , use the , which is the . You can get peace. The above And it is first to get the , to count the , the so- . The old man is about the color ( for the ) when he is ugly, and on the road, there are old going to , and there are . Ask why If there is worry, say no. and for it, the old man to Gan as the upper , and is the lower , which is ; four is the line, which is the ninth- of the winds. It is said: "There is no fish in the bag, and it will be ." and are both and , and they are on the road, so they hurry. the of and take half of them, : "You are about and five days, and you may have . "If five days later, this old man went to the and died of the . In to , you look at your own when you be able to make , so you be quick when you go, and you the of . , it in the and take half of it. When , be , and it be by the of . When , it is half- and half-speed. can be by the of . Such as for peony and plums, then two-day are all day and night, so how many are there?需很长时间。 At noon on the day of , a young man came from Li Fang, and he was so happy that he asked why he was happy, and he said . it, the genus Gen as the upper , Li as the lower , and the fire Ben. Gen Qili three plus noon seven, the total is , , the five are lines, and six or five lines say: "Ben in , tie silk and , , and .

" It is to words. The means that Ben's see each other's and . Duan said: The son will have the joy of coins days. When it , it is . Ox Wails At noon on the day of , there are ox sings in the , the sound is sad, of it. The cow to Kun, which is the upper , and the Kan side is the lower . Kan , plus seven at noon, a total of -one , in to three six and , the three lines moved the three lines of the earth navy. Said: "The or the is ." The means that the , and each other is kun and shock, and the kun is the body. Duan said: This cow will be -one days. days later, Ren Guo the cow and it to the crowd, all of which were . When the in the day, there is a in , and the sound is sad, of it. to Xun, which is the upper , and the dry side is the lower . the five stems of the sun to make a total of six , plus the four of the time, the total is ten, the six to get four, and the of the Yao dry, which is the six or four of the small . Said: "With Fu, the blood will be and the blood will come out, and there is no blame." it is the of the . The are the work of small , and they see each other away and . Dry gold is the body, and it can be by fire. In the , the the fire, and it has the image of . Duan said: This be for ten days. If a guest on the tenth day, there is an of . When the dead fell to the the Wuzi day, I , there were trees in the sky, no wind, and the dead fell to the in . it, the wood is the , the upper is the upper , and the is the lower , and the fire is seen. In order to two and leave three, add five at the time of the hour, the total is ten, and when you go to six, there are more than four, and the and lakes will be . Said: "Sugu, I met ." The fire of the has , and the see each other's and li, and they are into gold as the body. Duan said: This tree be cut down in ten days. In ten days, the trees were cut down and the was , and the used the word "".
